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Q: What was the first Continent on planet Earth called?
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All planets other than Earth could be considered alien. Earth is the only planet known to harbor life.

Why is mercury element called mercury?

mercury as the first planet and the nearest planet in the sun and also in the earth where we live in,, and as a third nearest planet from sun

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earth has never visited another planet

What is the first continent called?

The is the first continent called Pangeathe first continet was pangea, when all the continets were one

Who was first on planet earth?

First on Planet EarthChristians believe that Adam and then Eve were the first on earth. They believe that God created the earth, and then the animals, then Adam followed by Eve.

What is the continent called?

The is the first continent called Pangeathe first continet was pangea, when all the continets were one

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Does the antarctic hemisphere cover one fourth of the world's ice?

There are several words in your question that can be confusing. First, Antarctica is a continent, not a hemisphere. (Hemispheres cover halves of the planet.) The continent of Antarctica does contain about 90% of the earth's store of ice.

Is the earth the first planet from the sun?

Earth is third from the Sun .