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The very first practical automobile ever produced was called the Benz Patent Motorwagen. Produced in 1885 in Germany by Karl Benz.

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Q: What was the first car called a motor wagon?
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First car company?

The first car company was Daimler-Benz which was established in 1886. The first American car company was the Duryea Motor Wagon Company, founded in 1895. The Ford Motor Company was founded in 1903.

When man began to build wagons?

the first "car",which was a wagon with a motor, was made by mercedez benz.

Was Ford the first car company?

No,, the first automobile company was Benz & Company, which built their first car in 1885 in Germany. The first American auto company was Duryea Motor Wagon Company who built their first car in 1893. Ford built his first car in 1896 and founded Ford Motor Company in 1903.

When was first car made and the name of the car?

The First car was the Benz Patent Wagon, from what is now called Mercedes Benz. It was started in 1885, and sold in 1886.

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The first American car made was the Duryea built in 1893 by the Duryea Motor Wagon Company a full 3 years before the first car Henry Ford built which was the Ford Quadricycle in 1896.

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An automobile is sometimes called a motor car but there is a also a railroad car that is called a motor car.

What is a synonym for car?

Vehicle ,Wagon ,Carriage Also: motor, wheels, automobile, machine

What are the origins of Mercedes?

Karl Benz made the first motor car which is called the motor wagen patent or so

What was the Hoover car during the great depression?

It wasn't called a hoover car. it was called a hoover wagon.; a hoover wagon was a horse drawn car due to the lack of money from owners to pay for gas.

What was the name of the first motor car?

The Benz Patent Motor Car was the name of the first motor car. The engine of the car was developed by one Carl Benz.