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Q: What was the first country to send a spacecraft to the moon?
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Who was the first to send a spacecraft round the moon?

neil Armstrong

When did russia send there spacecraft to the moon?

after the US

Which country went to the moon first?

Russia was the first to send unmanned probes to the moon, the US was the first to send humans.

Which country sent the first man to the moon?

The country to send the first man to the moon was the U.S.A.The only country to send men to the moon, and bring them back alive is the United States of American: 1969 - 1972.

When did Russia send a spacecraft around the moon?

1964 was the year that russia sent a spacecraft around the moon and the astronought that was controlling it was called Benjamin Flood

The first country to send spacecraft to explore Jupiter?

The first spacecraft to visit and explore Jupiter was the Pioneer 10 in 1973. The Pioneer 10 was created by NASA and made in the U.S.

Which country was second to send a man on the moon?

The USA is the Only country to send men to the moon.

What was the first country to have a space vehicle send back data from another planet?

The first country was the USA with a spacecraft named mariner 2 and launched in 1962 to go to Venus.

When did the first spacecraft first send back images from the planets?


Who was the first country to visit the moon?

The Soviet Union was the first country to reach the Moon with unmanned spacecraft.The United States was the first country to send a manned mission to the Moon.

Who were the first two people on the moon and what country did the come from?

Neil Armstrong and 'Buzz' Aldrin were the first men on the moon. America is the only nation to ever send men to the moon.

When did spacecraft first send back data and images from the planets?