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The three Axis Powers were Germany, Italy and Japan. The Italian capitol of Rome was the first to fall, in 1943. Berlin fell in May, 1945, and Tokyo, Japan was not occupied by American troops until after Japan surrendered in August, 1945.

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Q: What was the first enemy capitol to fall to the allies in World War 2?
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28 June 1914, archduke of austria, Franz Ferdinand was assassinated by a serbian nationalist Gavrilo Princip. Austrians then declared war on the Serbians. allies came into battle and because of the vast expanse of the Europeans empire, most of the world joined in as allies to the europeans (triple entete), or as enemy to the europeans and allies. Dean =] 1994 Ner0

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If you are the owner of a group or have permission to add allies/enemies first log in and look at the page of the group you wish to enemy. Then, on that page, click the declare enemy button. If you have permission you will add them as an enemy.

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Then team up with your enemy to fight your other enemy, then go back to being enemies with your first enemy. This almost worked for Nazi Germany but they ended up fighting a two-front war after they double-crossed the Soviets in World War II.

When did Italy surrended to the Allies?

The allies didn't "arrive." They were the first and only enemy of the Axis, the alliance of all countries against Hitler and the Axis. thank you guys hope it will help you lima

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What or who do you classify first as allies? England France, United States Russia,(at Times)

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At first nothing then joined allies

Where was the first nc capitol?

The first state capitol in NC was in New Bern, NC

Was penicillin first used in World War 1 or World War 2?

World War 2. The Allies had it, and the Axis did not.

Why did the U.S. enter World War 2?

First the U.S. was neutral and delivered the weapons to the allies, and then later it helped the allies with troops and vehicles.