

What was the first kids in the woods horror movie?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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moo moo and bear bear

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Q: What was the first kids in the woods horror movie?
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What is the horror movie where kids run through the woods with a camera?

The Blair Witch Project.

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yes ,sometimes Gremlins was made for kids and it's a horror film so yes. Some horror movies are made for kids.

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No, it's a horror film.

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it's not really but for little kids it is

How is horror movies good for kids or how do horror movies NOT affect children?

i don't thing that horror movies are bad for kids as long as kids don't follow what the movie is expressing!!!!!!!!!!!!! --- I have watched horror movies ever since I was a young child. They are my preferred movie genre. I think as long as the child is old enough, or mentally capable enough to handle the movie and realize 'the scary monster isn't real' etc.. then there is nothing wrong with allowing a child to watch a horror movie. But it must be a child to child basis, all kids might not be okay with horror, while some are. Just like adults.

Is it weird that I like kids movies and horror movies which are practically opposites?

No, it's not weird. My older sister and I are the same way. For example, my sister's favorite kids movie is the Little Mermaid, and her favorite horror movie is Child's Play. For another example, my favorite kid's movie is Walt Disney's Alice in Wonderland. My favorite horror movie are all of Scream movies. So, it's okay. I don't think it's weird at all. I'm the exact same way as you.

Is there a documentary movie with kids in the woods?

There are two movies that come to mind. One is The Blair Witch Project, and the other is The Last Broadcast. Both are documentaries filmed in the woods.

How is horror not exclusively only for adults just like fantasies are not just for kids?

Actually, horror is really an adult thing - kids are too frightened of it and they have nightmares and anxiety and they worry because they're not old enough to know what's real and what's not on the movie or TV show or book. Older kids like teens might be OK with horror if they're mature enough.

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Why kids should not watch horror movies?

As long as the child understands that it is only a movie, and not real. Then no, I do not think they are a bad influence to kids. I grew up watching horror movies, and now they are one of my passions. I am a horror artist.