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Q: What was the first man made object on the moon?
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What was the first machine to land on the moon?

The first machine to land on the moon was a Russian unmanned space lander. It was the first man made object to ever touch the moon's surface.

What was the first artificial object to reach the moon?

Russian flags were the first man made objects to land on the moon but the Klangers lived there for years apparently

What was first object to reach the moon?


What USSR space probe that landed on the moon?

The first man-made object to reach the moon was the Luna 2 probe in 1959.

Which spacecraft was the first man-made object to land on the Moon?

Luna 2. Ussr made 1959

What is the oldest man made object on the moon?

explorer 1 ?

What is the first thing that went to the moon?

The first man-made object to reach the moon was Russia's Luna 2, which crashed into the lunar surface (on purpose) on September 13, 1959.

What is the first Man made object ever to fly?

the first man made object to fly was a kite from china!!! --------------- man made objects that catapults threw

Where at on the moon was the first landing?

The first landing by man on the moon, was made at the Tranquility Base.

What was the first thing to go to space?

It has been hypothesized that the "first" object from earth the exit the atmosphere and enter space was in fact the moon. However, the first documented man-made object to enter orbit was the Soviet satellite Sputnik, in 1957.

What is the value of a newspaper to show first man on the moon?

it depends on the year that the newspaper is made if it was made in the year that the first man walked on the moon then its worth something trust me..

What is an indigenous satellite?

The moon could be an example of this. It is an oject that is not man made orbiting another object.