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Jumping out of burning buildings.

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Q: What was the first parachute used for?
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When was the first parachute invented?

The earliest evidence for the parachute dates back to the Renaissance period. The oldest parachute design appears in an anonymous manuscript from 1470s Renaissance Italy .

What was the first parachute made of please I need it for school?

Blanchard developed the first foldable parachute made from silk.

What mechanism is used in parachute?


Which came first the parachute or the airplane?

the airplane was first because what would the parachute be needed before the airplane? Correct answer is airplane!(:

What activities is a parachute used for?


What are the advantages of the parachute used in water rockets?

If you have a parachute, then it allows your water rocket to land safely.

Is parachute a verb?

While it is more commonly used as a noun, it can also be used as a verb. For instance: "I like to parachute through the air."

Who made the first recorded jump off a church tower with a parachute?

to find your answer, see, "Who was the first person to jump out of a church tower with a parachute on?"

The poem Parachute by Lenrie Peters?

the poem Parachute by Lenrie Peters is an extended metaphor used by Peters to describe Trust.

Can you give me a sentence using the word parachute?

Because i used my parachute, i didn't die when i fell out of the plane

Why does a parachute save your life if you jump from a plane?

a parachute will save your life because you land properly and you dont fall face first plus the wind will contriol the parachute

How did Andrew Garnerin contribute to the advancement of parachute?

He invented the first parachute that did not require a rigid frame around 1800.