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The X-15

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Q: What was the first plane to fly faster than the speed of sound was?
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Why you see the fighter plane first but hear the plane later?

The speed of light is faster than the speed of sound. This means that light waves, carrying visual information, will reach your eyes before sound waves reach your ears. This is why you see the fighter plane first before hearing it.

What was the name of the plane to fly faster than the speed of sound?

The first plane was the experimental Ball X-1.

What is the name of the plane that goes faster than the sound of speed?

The first such plane was the experimental Bell X-1.

What was the flight faster then speed called?

There was not a special name for the first flight that went faster than the speed of sound. However, when a plane does go faster than sound, it said to be traveling at supersonic speeds.

What happens when the plane goes faster the speed of sound?

You would hear the sound after the plane has passed.

What is the top speed of a concord plane?

The Concord's speed was 1,176. Faster than the speed of sound

Was Concorde the only commercial plane that could go faster than the speed of sound?

No, the Tupolev Tu-144 was the only other commercial plane to date to fly faster then the speed of sound.

What was the name of the plane that flu faster thet the speed of sound?


Plane to fly faster than speed of sound?

Supersonic aircraft, such as the Concorde, were able to fly faster than the speed of sound. They achieved this by using advanced aerodynamic designs and powerful engines. However, due to high operating costs and noise concerns, supersonic commercial flights are currently limited.

Two planes are flying at the speed of sound Plane X is flying at an altitude of 6000 feet and plane Y is flying at an altitude of 15000 feet which is flying faster?

As altitude increases (to about 35,000 ft) air density, pressure and temperature all drop. As density decreases speed of sound increases, but with drop in pressure it drops; these two practically cancel each other out. As temperature drops, speed of sound drops. Thus at 15,000 ft the speed of sound is slower than at 6,000 ft so plane X is flying faster than plane Y.

What was the name of the plane that can fly faster than the speed of sound?

ultra sonic !!

What happens when the plane goes faster than the speed sound?

when the plane goes faster than the speed of sound then the plane is seen first and the sound is heard after the plane has passed away. In this case the plane is having speed more than 1 mach.