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Q: What was the first plane to shoot down a ME-262?
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Why was i Shooting down a plane in my dream?

Because You Like To Shoot Down Planes(: x

Is easy to shoot down the F-15 eagle?

No. The F-15 eagle is the only fighter aircraft that is one the most difficult plane to shoot down.

Why were zeppelins so hard to shoot down?

They were hard to shoot down because of their enormous size. If you went up in a plane and tried to shoot one down with a normal bullet it would create a leak, but not one big enough to cause any sever damage.

Who shot down the first plane in pearl harbor?

Arlie Wilson. He was a cook onboard a ship in dock at the time of the attack. He went on deck and operated one of the guns to become the first person to shoot down a Japanese plane at Pearl Harbor.

When in 2011 are Big Time Rush coming to Ireland?

hopefully soon because the i could shoot down their plane!

What does it mean to say you shoot down the black Mariah when she lifts her head?

The Black Mariah was an aircraft used during the Vietnam War, so that likely means to shoot down the plane when it lifted off to fly.

Can a rifle shoot down a plane?

The variables for this question are nearly infinite, however... ...if the plane is light enough ...if the plane is small enough ...if the weapon is of sufficient caliber ...if the shooter is of sufficient skill and has had sufficient training ...if the plane's altitude is within the maximum effective distance of the weapon is possible, but not entirely probable that a plane can be shot down with a rifle.

Why did the community decide not to shoot down he plane that flew over the community in the giver in chapter 14?

The community decided not to shoot down the plane that flew over them because they did not have the capability to do so, as the technology for such actions had been lost to them. Additionally, they were technologically and emotionally unprepared for such an event, as they had been shielded from many aspects of the outside world.

Can a president order to shoot down a commercial plane?

The President of the U.S. is the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces. Yes, he could issue such an order.

Should the military be attacking friendly aircraft?

No. The military should not shoot down friendly aircraft at all, even if they are at war. If any passenger aircraft(airplane) enter the warzone. Both sides must pause the war and cannot shoot down this passenger plane.

What was the first war plane called?

There's a bit of competition for which plane could be thought of as the first. The first to shoot down an enemy aircraft was a French Voisin III two-seater pusher biplane. In 5th of October 1914, the crew shot down a German Aviatik B.1. However, experiments in putting machine guns in aircraft predated WW1. As early as 1912 the military was trying to arm aircraft, with limited success.

When was Shoot you Down created?

Shoot you Down was created in 1989.