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Q: What was the first thing Anton leeuwenhoek saw?
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Who invented animalcules?

The question is who first saw the animalcules and the was Anton Van Leeuwenhoek.The question is who first saw and named animalcules and that person is the wonderful Anton Van Leeuwenhoek.

Why did Anton van Leeuwenhoek call them cells?

Anton van Leeuwenhoek did not call anything he saw in his microscope cells, Robert Hooke did when he saw some plant material in his microscope for the first time. He said they reminded him of monk's living quarters.

What did Anton van leeuwenhoek call what he saw?

He called it Bacteria.

Why was Anton van Leeuwenhoek discovery so important?

One of the inventions of Anton Van Leeuwenhoek is the Microscope

Who 1st saw protists?

Most likely Anton Van Leeuwenhoek, inventor of the microscope

Who discovered first single cell organism?

Anton van Leeuwenhoek , a dutch merchant, discovered the single celled organism.He was a microscope seller and he decided to take a look at pond scum. He saw that they were small animals.He named them animalcules which means small animal. Today we call animalcules single celled organisms. His name is Van Leeuwenhoek

How has Anton van Leeuwenhoek microscope affected science through the years?

He had improved the microscopes that can see things we could of never saw.

Which structure was most visible when Anton Van Leeuwenhoek first saw cork cells under a microscope?

The cell walls of the cork were so apparent that it reminded him of the cells in which monks lived, hence the name.

What did Anton van leeuwenhoek see in 1673?

Anton Van Leeuwenhoek saw a penis in the microscope, it had sperm hanging out of it and it was big and juicy, he went to suck it and it became a man so he was sucking a mans penis and he was full of joy. make you horny? haha im kidding im kidding, i have no idea what he saw.. it was like 400 years ago, who should care?

Why do you think leeuwenhoek was so excited about what he saw?

why leeuwenhoek was so excited about what he saw

Who was the First to see living cells?

Robert Hooke

What is the name of the scientist who saw live bacteria in a drop of water?

Antony van Leeuwenhoek Antony van Leeuwenhoek was the first to see bacteria in a drop of water.