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The first words by Neil Armstrong on the moon was Tranquality bas the eagle has landed.

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Q: What was the first word transmitted from the moon?
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What does the word mew moon mean?

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Which was the first spacecraft to reach the moon?

In September, 1959 ,the Soviet Union launched the Luna 2, the first mission to reach the moon. In October, 1959, it sent out Luna 3. As it orbited the moon, the Luna 3 transmitted pictures of the moon's hidden face for the first time. These pictures were of enormous historical and scientific importance.

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Why did NASA have such grainy images on the moon?

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the 21st word in the eleventh chapter is... surprise.

Which one landed on the moon apollo11 Columbia eagle explorer 1?

The "Lunar Excursion Module" of the Apollo 11 space mission was named "Eagle". The first words transmitted from the surface of the Moon were "Tranquility Base here; the Eagle has landed."

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what is the source if the word moon

What do you know and understand about the oral tradition?

Stories that are transmitted by word of mouth as opposed to transmitted in a written form.