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The first US $2 bill was issued in July 1862 as a United States Note with a portrait of Alexander Hamilton. Over the years it has undergone numerous redesigns and in 1929 when all US currency was downsized to present day size the familar portrait of Thomas Jefferson found its place on the obverse of the $2 bill. The $2 bill was officially discontinued in 1966. However, in 1976, the Treasury department again issued the $2 bill with the design of the bicentennial. Subsequent printings have been made in most series years, with the most recent (as of this writing) being the 2013 series.

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Q: What was the first year the 2 dollar bill was printed?
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When did the two dollar bill reappear?

1976 was the first year that the modern looking $2 bill was printed. However, $2 bills have been printed in one form or another since the 1860s

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The year should be printed on the front of the bill

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No, nor has a genuine million dollar bill ever been printed in any year.

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The 1935 A subseries of $1 bills was the longest within the longest series of any US bill. They were printed during the first half of the 1940s.

When was the first US 5 dollar bill made?

The first federally-issued US $5 bill was a Demand Note printed in 1861. Demand Notes were only printed for a short period of time. The first commonly-used series of $5 bills were United States Notes starting the next year.

What year did they stop making 500.00dollar bill?

The 500 dollar bill was last printed in 1945 and officially discontinued on July 14, 1969.

How can you tell what year a 20.00 dollar bill was made?

The year the bill was printed is on every US currency note. The year will be listed to the lower right of the bust of Andrew Jackson marked as "series" (year)

What is the value of a 1948 US 2 dollar bill?

You may want to check your bill again. There are no U.S bill printed for any denomination or series for the year 1948.

When was the first US 1000 dollar bill printed?

Some currency experts consider the first federally-issued $1000 bill to be an interest-bearing note printed in 1861 to help finance the Civil War. The first true federal note of that denomination, though, was a United States Note issued the next year, 1862.

When was the last year two dollar bills were printed?

The $2 bill has not been discontinued. New ones are printed as needed. The most recent series is dated 2008.

When did the US 5 dollar bill come out?

The first federally-issued $5 bills were "Demand Notes" printed in 1861. They were only issued for one year. In 1862, the first standard-series United States Notes were printed to help pay for the Civil War.