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the sultans eat KHABULI

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beef and lamb chops(plus potato).

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Q: What was the food eaten by the sultans under the Delhi sultanate?
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Who was the effective ruler under the Delhi sultanate?

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Which statement about life and culture under the Delhi sultanate is accurate?

The Delhi Sultanate ushered in a period of significant cultural and artistic development in South Asia, blending Persian, Central Asian, and Indian influences. Despite the political instability and frequent conflicts during this time, the sultans were patrons of architecture, literature, and music, contributing to the richness of Indian culture.

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The buildings of medieval India were constructed in the 10th and the 11th century under the rule of the Delhi sultanate in the north and the cholas,Cheras,Pandyas in the south.

Why was battle of panipat important?

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How was the life under Delhi sultanate?

It marked the beginning of a new phase in India's political,economic,social and cultural history.

How was the theocratic government in the Delhi sultanate?

Delhi Sultanate cannot be termed as theocratic in the true sense of the term,as neither its origin nor its administrative designs were theocratic in nature.The word 'theocracy' has been derived from the greek word 'theos' meaning god and a state can be called a theocratic if it is directly governed by the god or through a sacerdotal class or priesthood.The laws of the realm are divine commands rather than human ordinances.The priesthood necessarily becomes the officer of the invisible ruler.There are three conditions which are essential for a state to be called a theocracy are-1)the presence of the rule of God 2)the presence of the authority who promulgates the law 3)presence of the sacedotal class or priesthood through which the law is disseminated. There are historians like R.P. Tripathi,K.M. Ashraf,Jadunath Sarkar,T.P. Huges who are intended to call the Delhi sultanate as a theocracy.Tripathi says that all the institutions that was either evolved or adopted by the Muslims was intended to sub serve the law.There were however instances where the Delhi sultans meted out harsh measures to non-Muslims(zimmis)in the sultanate in order to restore the laws of sharia(Muslim holy law)Amir khusraw writes under Jalaluddin khilji(1290-96),after a battle,whatever Hindu fell into the hands of the victorious king was pouded to bits under the feet of elephants,Muslim captives were spared.Malik khafur, the famous general under alauddin khilji(1296-1316),while on his expeditions in south India ,spared the lives of Muslims fighting on the sides of the Hindu Rai.Rizqulah Mushtaqi prases sikandar lodi(1489-1517)for suppressing hindus. Beside these stories the overall picture of the delhi sultanate cannot be termed theocratic as the relation between the section of learned men i.e. the ulemas and the delhi sultans varied.Though ulemas were specially trained in the matters of Muslim law,logic,Arabic and religious texts such as 'tafsir','hadis','quran' e.t.c.As a result ulemas were highly respected in the society and they often helped the rulers in theological matters.But these ulemas never did interfere or was permitted to influence the state policies of the sultans.And above all the absence of a priestly class who would promulgate the laws of Sharia as sultan like alauddin khilji declared that decree orders to the need of the time and not according to the sharia. Balban introduced court customs like 'paibos' and 'sijda' which were definitely against the Muslim law and only to be performed in front of God,only.Iltutmish decided to did not discuss with the ulemas before nominating Razia as his able successor.Keeping all this in mind one cannot call the Delhi sultanate a theocracy.The administrative policies of the sultans varied with the time and need of the hour.

Who is the noble under alauddin khilji?

The noble under Alauddin Khilji was Malik Kafur, who served as a prominent general and chief advisor. He played a significant role in the expansion of the Delhi Sultanate under Khilji's rule, leading successful military campaigns and exerting influence in the administration.

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Au contraire -- they embraced Islam. In fact, they became agents for the spread of Islam (by military force) into India south of the Indus region. They set the stage for the creation of the Delhi Sultanate in India under Muslim rule. Buddhism for the most part seems to have been actively discouraged (the destruction of the Buddhist "university" at Nalanda in 1193 was part of this). Hinduism, the religion of the majority of the population living in the Delhi Sultanate was tolerated. Hindus had to live under "protected" status which involved paying a small head tax.

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There is one plate under Delhi. Delhi along with the rest of India is on the Indian plate.