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Q: What was the goal of the reformers of the social gospel movement?
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What was the goal if the temperance movement?

to decrease social problems-apex

Which has been a major goal of the feminist movement?

To change social patterns of inequality.

What were the goals of Chinese reformers?

The goal of Chinese Reformers were to overthrow the Manchu emperors, and wanted to introduce a number of social reforms: strict separation of the sexes, an end to foot binding for Chinese women, the social ownership of land, suppression of private enterprise, and the introduction of their brand of Christianity as the state religion.

To change social patterns that caused inequality was a major goal of which movement?

All of the above

What is the goal of reformative social movement?

(Apex Learning) To make a small change in society.

To change social patterns that caused inequality is a major goal of which act?

"the feminist movement"

What does this timeline suggest about the feminist movement?

the movement's goal of political equality has not been fully achieved the movement pursued social, legal, and political equality. legislation that addressed the goals of the movement did not always result in real equality

What the main goal of social gospel and settlement movements?

The main goal of the social gospel movement was to apply Christian principles to address social issues such as poverty and inequality. The settlement movement aimed to provide social services and support to disadvantaged communities, often through settlement houses in urban areas. Both movements sought to improve the lives of the less fortunate and promote social justice.

What was the goals of the meiji reformers?

The most common goal was to expand democracy.

What was the main goal of the progressive movement's government reforms?

Some goals of Progressive reformers in the US were: elimination of government corruption, education reforms, regulation of corporations and monopolies, elimination of child labor, etc.

What was the main goal of temperance movement?

Early on, the main goal of the Temperance Movement was moderation in the consumption of alcoholic beverages. As the movement grew, the goal shifted to voluntary abstinence, then to prohibition of the manufacture and sale of alcoholic beverages.