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Brutal they would chop peoples heads off and play kick-ball with them. (They would play with the loser's heads.)

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Q: What was the government like for the incas?
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What type of government do type Incas have?

Incas have a democratic government

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what was the incas food like

What kind of government did the Incas have?


What form of government did the incas have? was a monarchy

What is the accumulated learning for the incas?

The incas. Is so ugly they look like a horse

What was Incas government?

About 12 million people lived in the Inca Empire. To rule this vast empire, the Incas formed a strong central government. The Incas didn't want conquered peoples to have too much power. So to prevent this, they made the leaders of conquered areas move out of their villages. Then they brought in new leaders. These leaders were loyal to the Inca government. The Inca government controlled the economy. Incas 'paid' their government in labor, instead of paying taxes. This labor tax system was called the mita. Under the mita, the Inca government told each household what work they had to do.

How did the incas build their government?

they used cement and made the worlds largest incan road system

What system of government did the ancient incas have?

they had a modern day government. it worked vary well until the Spanish took over.

What type of government did mesoamerica have?

3 different types of of society. Mayan, Aztecs, Incas.

Any beliefs that the Incas have?

yes there is one but they have only figured out half of it. It is like a mystery to the discoverrers of the ancient incas.

What did the Incas believe in?

they believe in all the elements on earth like sun, thunder and others.