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I farted on my rice and turned yellow.

Also your mama so fat when she stuffed up a pack of nerds up her butt she said i feel the rainbow.

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Q: What was the heaviest hailstone ever recorded and where did it fall?
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Where did the heaviest hailstones on record fall and how heavy were they?

the heaviest hailstone on record fall was.... 1130

What would you find if you cut a really big hailstone in half?

it would fall at a lighter speed

What state and town did a hailstone fall on that starts with a c?

Hi my name is gggjjjsnjs so shut it

Where was the heaviest hail fall in England?

The heaviest hail on record (currently) is 132 grams.

What is the most rain fall in New Mexico ever recorded?

1891 inches

How are hailstones made?

Hailstones start off as a snowflake. In order to become a hailstone, a upwind has to blow it back up into the cloud and collect more water, snow, or ice. Then it freezes. This process can happen over and over again until the hailstone is heavy enough to fall out of the cloud. That's the process of a hailstone.

What is the largest snow fall ever recorded in Florida?

6 inches of snow

What caused hailstone to fall after the first tornado?

it is that it is tornado alley it make a strong storm with ice and then ice comes then tornado

How big was the biggest snowflake ever recorded and where did it fall?

1foot wide and 6 inches tall in Greenland

What is the heaviest snow fall recorded in UK?

It may have been somewhere in Scotland such as the Cairngorm Mountains where most snow falls in the country . Or Snowdonia where 3,500 mm of water is said to fall annually there !

What is the lowest rain fall ever recorded?

Some parts of the world see no rain at all for several years.

How hail is formed explanation?

the hailstone starts as snow, an updraft of warm air and a downdraft of old air causes the hailstone to form. it falls to the ground