

What was the history of cheesecake?

Updated: 12/5/2022
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Q: What was the history of cheesecake?
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Who came up with the original cheesecake recipe?

Nobody really knows for sure, given how old it is. We do know that the history of cheesecake goes back to 776 B.C.

Is cheesecake French or Italian?

cheesecake is french cheesecake is french Cheesecake is French

Why do raspberries go with cheesecake?

I don't know much about the history of cheesecake itself, but I do know why I personally use raspberries with cheesecake. The tangy flavor contrasts with the sweet coldness of the cheesecake, and both flavors come together for a great taste. Raspberry sauce is the same. The tastes contrast (tangy vs. cold) but are in the same family (sweet, salty, sour, bitter).

How do you spell cheesecake in German?

Cheesecake = Käsekuchen Baked cheesecake = gebackener Käsekuchen

What color is cheesecake?

Cheesecake is yellow

What is the history of cherry cheesecake?

Before the history of cherry cheesecake can be given, the history of cheesecake must be heard. The Olympic athletes in 776 BC are recorded as eating 'cheesecake', but not the type we think of today. The recipe that the Olympians ate was made of wheat flour, one egg and crushed cheese. England and Western Europe were introduced to cheesecake around 1000 AD from the conquering Romans. Since this country was built from immigrants, it is safe to say that cheesecake was brought to the United States by immigrants. The version brought here was made from a cottage cheese. Then in 1872 the invention of cream cheese happened because a dairyman was trying to imitate the French Neufchatel cheese. The owner of the legendary Turf Restaurant, at 49th and Broadway in New York City, named Arnold Reuben (the same man that invented the Reuben sandwich) is the man credited with using actual cream cheese in a cheesecake. The adding of signature toppings to cheesecakes began in the early 1900's, and New York is credited with adding fruit toppings to the cheesecake. The topping is a pie like filling and out of these toppings our nationÕs favorite flavor is cherry.

What are some different kinds of cheesecake that can be made at home?

Some cheesecakes that you can order from The Cheesecake Factory are The Original, Fresh Strawberry, and Resses Peanut Butter Chocolate Cake Cheesecake.

Do you like cheesecake?

Yessh! I love cheesecake!!

What is cheesecake plus apple?

Apple cheesecake.

What is better cheesecake or pie?

Cheesecake!!! Especially double chocolate cheesecake.mmmmmmmmmmmmm... Cheesecake Pie... with cherries

Calories in key lime cheesecake from Cheesecake Factory?

There are approximately 630 calories in 1 serving of a 7" key lime cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory.

Do you have a liking for cheesecake?

Of course I have a love for cheesecake! As the WikiAnswers generator, I am powered by cheesecake! Coffee cheesecake for mornings, chocolate for evenings, and strawberry to get me through the day! In fact, I am due my supply of cheesecake now- *snufflemunch noises*