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Q: What was the holocaust who was responsible and who was victimized?
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What reflects the leader who was responsible for the Great Purge and the main group that was victimized by it?

Stalin was responsible for the Great Purge and the main group that was victimized by it was the members of the Communist Party.

What country was considered responsible for the Holocaust?

The holocaust was carried out by Germany.

What countries were responsible for the Holocaust?

Germany is the country that made the holocaust

Who committed the crime know as the Holocaust?

Hitler and the Nazis were responsible for the Holocaust.

What year were the Jews victimized?

It depends on the country. Jews are victimized nearly constantly in one part of the world or another. Some times (such as the Holocaust) are significantly more brutal than other times (Venetian ghetto-ization), but Jews have only been equal citizens in any country since the US Constitution guaranteed American Jews equal paper rights. If this is a question specifically on World War II, Nazi Germany, and the Holocaust, Jews were victimized from 1935-1945.

Who was over the Holocaust?

This question doesn't make sense. Do you mean "what was the cause of the Holocaust?" Do you mean "who was responsible for the Holocaust?" Rephrase the question.

Who was the German leader that was responsible for the Holocaust?


Who is responsible for starting the holocaust?

Adolph Hitler

Nazi Germany's leader who was responsible for the Holocaust?


Who is responsible for causing the Holocaust?

Hitler. All in all, it was Hitler.

Who was the man responsible for the holocaust and what country did he rule?

Hitler, Germany.

Hitler was solely responsible for the Holocaust?

He didn't do it all by himself, there are many who took part in it and they are all responsible.