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Q: Nazi Germany's leader who was responsible for the Holocaust?
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When did hilter come into power?

Hitler was the leader of Nazi Germany from 1933 to 1945 and he was responsible for the Holocaust and WW2.

Who was the major nazi leader during the Holocaust?

The leader was Adolf Hitler.

Why was Adolf Hitler the leader of the Nazi party if only the Nazi party was responsible for the Holocaust?

Adolf was ultimatley at fault for the holocaust. Everyone involved had a hand in what happened to the Jews and they should all be blamed. But without the guidance of Hilter, things might not have happened the way they did.

What was the Holocaust and who was responsible for it?

Persecution and murder of approximately six million Jews by the Nazi regime do to the fact that the Germans thought they where a superior race... Adolf Hitler contributed much to the holocaust being leader of the Third Reich.

How was Adolph Hitler importnant?

He was responsible for the Holocaust and World War II, and he was a dictator of the Nazi's.

When was the Nazi Holocaust exposed?

1945 was when the nazi holocaust was exposed

Who was the Nazi's president during the Holocaust?

The Germans did not have Presidents as we have. Adolf Hitler, the dictator was fuhrer (leader) and reichsKanzler- Chancellor of the Reich during the Holocaust period.

Why was Nazi Leardership to blame for the holocaust?

because Hitler had hated Jews so when he became leader of the Germany the Nazi party sided with him and that's why they were to blame

What rank was Hitler during Holocaust?

Hitler was the leader of the Holocaust. He told the Nazi party what to do and when to do it. He had full and complete power over everyone and if they didn't do it they would be killed.

What were the intentions of the leader of the Nazi party during the Holocaust?

Adolf Hitler's intentions was to create a super human race

Holocaust word that starts with a?

Auschwitz (the largest Holocaust killing centre). Adolf Hitler (the Nazi leader) Adolf Eichmann (the Nazi who organized the transport for Holocaust perpetration) Anti-Semitism (prejudice or discrimination against Semites, Jews) Atrocity (an act which is illegal by international law)

Who was the leader of Nazi Germany during World War 2 and whose hatred for the Jew lead to the Holocaust?

adolf Hitler