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Q: What was the immediate cause of the outbreak of war?
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The underlying cause of the war was the colonists' unrelenting desire for more and more land, but the immediate cause for its outbreak was the trial and execution of three of Metacom’s men by the colonists.

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No as he is now dead.

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Many factors contribute to the outbreak of wars.

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It was the main cause

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The spread of Communisim

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You need to specify which war- Europe has had a lot of them.

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The Thornton Affair.

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Well, the immediate cause of secession deals with slaves and the rights of the civil war. Figure the rest out, because I can't

What was the immediate cause of war breaking out in Europe?

You need to specify which war- Europe has had a lot of them.

What event was the immediate short-term cause of the Civil War?

The American Civil Was had many causes, both short- and long-term. The most immediate short-term cause was the outbreak of fire upon Fort Sumter, the Union-held fortress at the mouth of the Confederate-occupied Charleston (South Carolina) harbor. Once this fort was fired upon and then taken by Southern troops, the Civil War had finally begun in earnest.

What factor was a major cause of the outbreak of World War 1?

complicated systems of alliances