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I don't know about the world but I know he has influenced US history.

One reason is because he influenced other kids to get a good eduction during his speech. Not only that but he helped old Us citizens have free health care. The main thing why he influences others is mainly because hes a president.

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13y ago
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15y ago

Obama said we are the change that we've been waiting for. We should be aware of ourselves that we are the changes and we are the wonders of everyone. Obama influences life today by giving them advice and encourages them with their beliefs, their routes to success and their love for others. Obama gives power and encouragements to other people to beware their love for others and to love their neighbors. No matter who we are, we are one and the only one that are loving. We treat each other more nicely and equally. We care for one another equally. Nothing is out of balance.

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7y ago

Barack Obama has made an impact on people lives by by telling parents to go back to school and telling children to stay in school and not to drop out because the drop out rate for students is 50% and he says that it's not a good percentage. He also makes an impact on peoples lives by giving parents lower tax refunds.That is how Barack Obama made an impact on people

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11y ago

It depends on which group you are from, since various people have been impacted in very different ways-- some positively, and some negatively. When Barack Obama was elected president in 2008, he was the first black president in U.S. history; and even people who did not vote for him agreed it was an amazing moment in American progress, given the country's past acceptance of slavery and segregation. But once the moment had passed, Americans returned to being polarized: today, many Americans are still pleased that Mr. Obama is president, and they worked hard for election and for his subsequent re-election. Young people, Hispanic-Americans, African-Americans, and gay Americans especially have felt that Mr. Obama has advocated for issues that matter to them; in fact, many of his supporters still see him as an inspirational figure, even if they don't agree with every policy.

But others are still upset that President Obama is in the White House, and they cannot understand why he was re-elected. A small portion, called Birthers, expend considerable energy trying to "prove" that Barack Obama was not born in America (even though he was); others devote themselves to conservative news sources like Fox News or talk show hosts like Rush Limbaugh who reinforce their belief that Mr. Obama is the worst president in their lifetime. There are also some traditional conservatives who are neither Birthers nor extremists: they are upset over Mr. Obama's fiscal policies and disagree with how he has handled the economy.

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11y ago

It is too soon to assess his impact-- usually it is not until they are out of office that presidents are evaluated for their impact. But as the first black president in U.S. history, the first in decades to expand health care access, the president who ended the war in Iraq and supervised the mission that led to the killing of Osama bin Laden, and the president who rescued the auto industry when it was on the brink of bankruptcy, his supporters would say he has certainly had a positive effect on the country.

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11y ago

It ruined many and made it harder for successful people to stay that way.

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