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Q: What was the importance for California's petition for statehood?
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According the northwest ordinance when might the people of a territory petition for statehood?

When the population of a territory reached 60,000 the people could petition for statehood.

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When was the territory eligible for statehood?

When the population of a territory reached 60,000, the people could petition for statehood. ANS 2 -Northwest Territories is CANADIAN, they are not and never will be states !

What act states that any territory with 60000 settlers could petition congress for statehood?

The Northwest Ordinance.

Which US territory rejected the opportunity to petition the US Congress for statehood in 1993 and 1998?

Puerto Rico.

When was the northwest territory eligible for statehood?

When the population of a territory reached 60,000, the people could petition for statehood. ANS 2 -Northwest Territories is CANADIAN, they are not and never will be states !

What was the main importance during Missouri's application for statehood?

it was complicated by the issue of slavery.

Which US territory has repeatedly been denied statehood?

I guess none have been denied. While some territories have significantly delayed petitioning for statehood, including Alaska (92 years) and Oklahoma (104 years), no valid petition for statehood has ever been denied by the U.S. Congress.

Why did californias application for state hood cause a political uproar?

California's application for statehood caused a crisis because most of the state was still under Mexican control and it wasn't known if California would be a slave state or not.

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