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Q: What was the importance of Ferdinand Magellan's circumnavigation of the earth?
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When was Ferdinand magellans birthday?

Ferdinand Magellan's date of birth is not known. He was born sometime in Portugal in 1480. He passed away on April 27, 1521 in Mactan, Philippines. He is famous for completing the first circumnavigation of the Earth.

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Ferdinand Magellan was the first European to round the Cape Horn. He discovered it as he was on his circumnavigation of the earth in 1520.

What is a sentence with circumnavigation in it?

Magellan's circumnavigation of the earth proved that it is a globe.

Was Ferdinand Magellans goal and did he accomplish it?

magellan did find a westward route to the india.his goal was to find a westward route to india.magellan was the first european to circumnavigate the earth

Where was Ferdinand Magallen from?

Ferdinand Magellan was a Portuguese sea captain. He became famous for his Spanish sponsored circumnavigation of the earth. Magellan died during the journey and one of the ships in his fleet did return to Spain after sailing around the world.

Did Magellan discover the earth was round?

Although Ferdinand Magellan's expedition was the first circumnavigation of the Earth, many ancient scholars were already aware that the Earth was round. The Greek scientist Eratosthenes was the first to calculate the Earth's circumference, thus proving the Earth's roundness.

What was Magellans reason for exploration?

Ferdinand Magellan's original reason for exploration was to reach the spice islands.

What country Ferdinand Magellan from?

Ferdinand Magellan was the one of the well-known in the field of the world's exploration. He was born in the year 1480 in Portugal and he organized the expedition that resulted the first Earth circumnavigation and its been completed by Juan Sebastian Elcano after he died on Mactan Battle.

Who accomplished the first circumnavigation of the earth?

Ferdinand Magellan's voyage was the first to sail around the world. Magellan himself died on the voyage, and only 19 of his 237 crew survived the trip.

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Who directed the first voyage to circumnavigate the globe?

The first person to direct a voyage to circumnavigate the globe was Ferdinand Magellan in 1522, though he died a year earlier in 1521.

What is mean by circumnavigation of the earth?

It means to sail around the world.