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what was the importance of Fort Sumter in relation to the dicisions made by the key leader

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Q: What was the importance of fort Sumter in relation to the decisions made by the key leaders?
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What was the importance of the battle in relation to the decisions made by the key leaders of the battle of fort Sumter?

Lincoln's initiative to send supplies to the garrison of the fort, notified to the governor Pickens of South Carolina by means of a confidentially letter, led the Confederate government to make the decision to request the fort to surrender. The request was repealed and the Confederate artillery start the bombardment of the fortress, thus making the serious responsibility for having opened the conflict, marking the importance of the battle.

What decisions did the leaders of fort Sumter make?

They made certain commands to the armies. Also they decided plans for attacks and how to kill there opponents. i hope i answered your question:)

What was the importance of the Firing on Fort Sumter?

The firing at Fort Sumter marked the beginning of the Civil War.

Who were the leaders of the union and the confederacy in the battle of fort Sumter?


What important Decisions Did The Leaders Of Fort Sumter Make?

On the night of December 26,1860, the Union Commander of the Federal Forts in Charleston Harbor, Major Anderson, withdrew his troops of 73 men from Fort Moultrie to Fort Sumter. In so doing he made the Charleston roads inaccessible and blockaded the Harbor.

How did Confederate leaders respond to Lincoln announcement that he would send ships to Fort Sumter?

Confederate leaders agreed to let food supplies in, but then attacked the ships.

Why was the attack at fort Sumter so important in relation to the civil war?

Because it triggered the breakout of the Civil War.

What important decisions did fort Sumter leaders make?

Commander of the Confederate battery in Charleston Harbour, P.G.T. Beauregard, opened fire on Sumter, on the orders of President Jefferson Davis. The commander of the Sumter garrison, Major Anderson, felt he had no option but to evacuate his men. Abraham Lincoln could not declare war, because this would have meant recognising the Confederacy as a foreign nation, and not just a group of rebellious states. But he called for volunteer-troops, and no-one was in any doubt of the function of this new army.

Who were the key leaders in the Battle of Fort Sumter?

Sadly,I don't know what this answer is. I was the one who typed this question on Answers! This suck!! :(

Leaders fort Sumter?

The Union garrison was commanded by Major Anderson. The Confederates in Charleston were led by General P.G.T. Beauregard.

What decisions did Lincoln force Davis to make just prior to the beginning of the Civil War?

fire on Forrt Sumter or let it be replinished

What important event lead Arkansas leaders to join confederacy?

Lincoln's appeal for volunteer Union troops after the surrender of Fort Sumter.