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Q: What was the importance of poison gas?
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What did poison gas do?

Poison gas and blistered your skin and burned your eyes and that is the reason they wore gas masks

What is the use of poison gas?

to poison stuff

Is poison gas still used today?

poison gas is no longer allowed in warfare.

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Who made poison gas?

It was the Germans and it was Chlorine Gas

What is poison chlorine gas?

is a gas that kills people

Is gas poison?

your question lacks detail. some gases are poison, some aren't. depends what gas you are talking about

When did Halabja poison gas attack happen?

Halabja poison gas attack happened on 1988-03-16.

Who didn't use poison gas in world war 1?

In the beginning of the war, only the Axis used poison gas (mustard gas was the first kind to be used), but by the end of the war, both sides used poison gas as a weapon.

What element was a poison gas used in World War 1?

The common poison gas of WWI was Mustard Gas, a combination of Sulfur and Chlorine (C4H8Cl2S).

Who releases gas in World War 1?

Poison gas is brought into WWI by the Germans. Both sides used gas, although the Germans were the first to use poison gas

When was poison gas banned?

poison gas was considered a war crime to use after ww1