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Q: What was the important factor leading to the collapse of the Weimar Republic and the rise of Nazi dictatorship that took Germany into World War 2?
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Which country was incorporated into the Federal Republic of Germany after the collapse of Communism in Central and Eastern Europe?

The DDR (Deutsche Demokratische Republik) or in English GDR (German Democratic Republic).

Who was the head of the republic?

If you mean Germany during WW2, then that would be Adolf Hitler. If you want to know more about this antisemite then look him up on goggle or something. And why was it called "the republic", because it wasn't one. It was a dictatorship.

How many countries are in Germany?

Germany is a single country now. After World War Two and up through the late 1980's Germany was divided between the free democratic West Germany (FRG-Federal Republic of Germany) and the communist dictatorship run East Germany (DDR).

What kind of government was Germany under hitlers rule?

It was a Dictatorship, with Hitler at its head.

What has the author David Abrahams written?

David Abraham has written: 'Collapse of the Weimar Republic Edition' 'The collapse of the Weimer Republic' -- subject(s): Agriculture and state, Germany, History, Industrial policy, Pressure groups, Social conflict

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What kind of government did Hitler bring to Germany?

Dictatorship, Facist government policy, party platform

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What country is dictatorship from?

Russia,Germany, and Italy!!

What type of government did Germany have in ww2?

A dictatorship.

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they did not persecute people

What countries unification led to the collapse of the Soviet Union?

Germany's unification led to the collapse of the Soviet union.