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Q: What was the important invention of the old stone age period?
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Which development marked the end of the prehistoric period and the beginning of the historic period?

the invention of writing

Was the invention of the wheel in the new of old stone age?

The invention of wheels was in the New Stone Age (Neolithic).

Necessity and invention in stone age?

the wheel

What was the most important invention in the stone age?

One of the most important inventions in the Stone Age was the development of stone tools. They revolutionized hunting, cooking, and other daily activities, allowing early humans to thrive and adapt to their environment. Another significant invention was the control of fire, which provided warmth, protection, and the ability to cook food.

What invention marked the beginning of the stone age?


What are the two parts of the stone age?

The two parts of the Stone Age are the Paleolithic Period and the Neolithic Period!!!

Which is the first period of the stone age?

There were many periods of what is referred to as the Stone Age. These periods were the Lower Paleolithic, Early Stone Age, Middle Paleolithic, Middle Stone Age, Upper Paleolithic, and the Late Stone Age.

Is the Stone Age also called Paleolithic era?

Yes, the Stone Age is also known as the Paleolithic era, a period when early humans used stone tools and lived as hunter-gatherers.

What is the oldest period of human history?

the Old-Stone Age

What was most useful invention made by early stone age people?

One of the most useful inventions made by early Stone Age people was the development of tools made from stone, such as hand axes and arrowheads. These tools revolutionized hunting, cooking, and crafting activities, improving overall survival and efficiency. They also laid the foundation for future advancements in technology and tool-making.

Is bronze from the new stone age or old stone age?

Bronze dates from the new stone age or neolithic period. In the old stone age or paleolithic period, tools were made only of stone (hand axes and arrow heads mostly).

What is important about the stone age?

The Stone Age was a crucial period in human history because it marked the development of stone tools and the emergence of early human societies. This era laid the foundation for future technological advancements and social interactions, shaping the way humans lived and interacted with their environment.