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a written bill of rights to guarantee liberty

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9mo ago

The key addition demanded by many of the ratifying states was the inclusion of a Bill of Rights. These rights protected individual liberties such as freedom of speech, religion, and assembly, as well as the right to bear arms and be protected against unreasonable searches and seizures. The inclusion of a Bill of Rights helped alleviate concerns about a strong central government and ensured the protection of individual rights.

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Q: What was the key addition to the new federal government that had been demanded by many of the ratifying states?
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What was the Key edition to the new federal government that had been demanded by many of the ratifying states?

A. Cabinet to aid the president B. A written bill of rights to guarntee liberty C. A supreme court D. Federal assumption of state debts

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Antifederalist opposed ratifying the constitution because they did not want to?

Anti-Federalists were opposed to ratifying the Constitution because they did not want to give the federal government that much power. The Constitution was eventually ratified on June 21, 1788.

Who believed that the addition of the bill of rights to the constitution was critical to the success of the new federal government?

Anti-Federalists believed that the addition of a Bill of Rights to the Constitution was critical to the success of the new Federal Government.

Who believed that the addition of a bill of rights to the Constitution was critical to the success of the new Federal Government?

Anti-Federalists believed that the addition of a bill of rights to the Constitution was critical to the success of the new Federal Government.

What does ratifying the constitution mean?

Ratifying means it was signed into approval, making it officially valid. Federations usually require support of federal government and a certain percentage of the constituent government for amendments to the constitution to take effect.

Why does the editor of the newspaper support ratifying the Constitution?

The editor of the newspaper likely supports ratifying the Constitution because they believe it will create a stronger and more unified government, clarify the powers of the federal government, and establish a framework for protecting individual rights and liberties. They may also see it as an opportunity for progress and improving governance in the newly formed United States.

What did the states demand to go into the constitution?

The states demanded that the powers of the federal government be limited go into the Constitution. The Bill of Rights limits these powers.

Why did Jackson's policies on the bank and other issues lead to the formation of the Whigs?

Because Jackson wanted a federal government instead of a national one, therefor ratifying what should've been policies under his control. So he set up the Whigs formation, so that the federal government in which he wanted would be under his control.

Did Washington and Adams just appoint the new federal government for ratifying the constitution?

No, they did not. Historical records prove that the proposed Constitution was drafted at the Constitutional Convention, sent to the states for ratification and was ratified by those states.

What important Federalist idea is expressed in this excerpt from the Federalist Papers?

The importance of a strong central government

What is the geographic distribution of federal government?

In terms of geographic location, the federal government resides mostly in Washington D.C. In addition, the Senators from particular states spend time working on their own states.?æ