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the made rice, corn and the also grow crop!

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Large farms, no matter where they are, are often called, "Plantations".

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Q: What was the large farm in the southern colonies called?
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What is another word for a large farm?

Large farms are commonly called plantations.

What is the large farm in the southern colonies?

the made rice, corn and the also grow crop!

What is a large farm in Southern Colonies?

the made rice, corn and the also grow crop!

What do the Southern colonies do?

the southern colonies did were farm and made little buniess.

What is a name for a large farm?

Depends what's raised on that large farm. Not all large farms are called ranches, and not all ranches are farms. A large farm is often just called a large farm, a plantation (especially in the southern US), or a large farm. Also, large farms in Australia are called stations.

What is another name for large farm?

Depends what's raised on that large farm. Not all large farms are called ranches, and not all ranches are farms. A large farm is often just called a large farm, a plantation (especially in the southern US), or a large farm. Also, large farms in Australia are called stations.

What was a large farm called in South Carolina and other colonies?

Large farms in South Carolina were known as plantations.

What were the natural resources of southern colonies?

Large Fertile Farm land, forest, fish, Indigo, Tobacco, and Slaves

Did the southern colonies farm rice grain and tobacco?

yes they did

Who did most of the farm work in the southern colonies?

albert einstien

Why was it easy to farm in the southern colonies?

It was easier to farm in the southern colonies because of certain geographical features. The south has more mild weather, and fertile soil. It does not have many mountains, unlike the north, making it the perfect place to farm.

Who did most of the hard work in the fields in the southern colonies?

Mostly slaves and indentured servants. If the farm was small and the family was large, then the children would help out in the fields to.