

What was the largest jaguar's weight?

Updated: 9/13/2023
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14y ago

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large males have been recorded at 350 pounds, so it can be assumed there are males in the Matto Grosso area of the Amazon where there MAY be cats of up to 375-400 pounds

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Q: What was the largest jaguar's weight?
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What other species do jaguars compete with?

None. Jaguars are the largest cat in the New World and the 3rd largest cat in the world. With the exception of humans, Jaguars have no competitors.

Are jaguars in the rainforest?

Yes, the largest concentration of jaguars is in the Amazon basin of South America.

Are jaguars the largest cats?

No, that honor goes to the Bengal Tiger.

Why does the jaguar live in the forest floor?

.yes jaguars are the largest animal on land and the thrie largest cats in the would

How big can jaguars get?

They usually weight from 124 to 211 pounds.

What is a male jaguars average weight?

The average weight for most jaguars is between 124 to 211 pounds. Males in particular, the most extremes have been recorded as 350 lbs. as the heaviest and 80 lbs. at the lightest.

What are fun facts about jaguars?

Here are some fun facts on jaguars: - Jaguar are endangered through loss of habitat (deforestation and mining) and through hunting. - Jaguars hunt mainly at night. - The jaguar's name means "a beast that kills its prey with a single bound." - A jaguar's roar sounds like a deep, chesty cough. - Jaguars weigh 200-250 pounds with a body length of 5-7 feet. - Jaguars kill with either a bite to the neck or a crushing paw strike. - Jaguars are the largest cats living in the wild in North and South America. - Jaguars are the 3rd largest cat, after lions and tigers.

Why are jaguars the biggest cat in the world?

I think last time I looked, it was either a lion or a tiger. I'm kind of leanin' tiger ways, but I could be wrong. The biggest cat in the cat family naturally is the Siberian (or Amur) tiger.

How much do male jaguars weight?

100-250 pounds

Are jaguars really cats?

Yes. Jaguars are mammals. They are warm-blooded vertebrates who nurse their young. All cats are mammals.

What are facts about jaguars the animal?

The jaguar is the biggest cat of South and North America, even bigger than mountain lion. Jaguaresses can weight 70-100kg. Males weight between 110-135kg. Jaguars have the strongest bite... and are stongest cats to their own size. Those jaguars that are found on plains are refered as bigger than these ones in deep jungles. Jaguars and tigers are the only cats that like water and jags are powerful swimmers

Do jaguars live in savannas?

they live in a wide variety of tropical habitats, from a montane forest(very mountanous) and wet Savannah to tropical rain forest and deciduous tropical forest. In fact, the largest jaguars live in wet savannahs.