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Operation Barbarossa-about 3,900,000-6,000,000 german troops invaded the Soviet Union, breaking the nazi-soviet anti-agression pact.

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Q: What was the largest land invasion of world war 2?
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Was the Battle of the Bulge the largest battle for the US during World War 2?

No, the invasion on D-Day was the largest, single battle on land, sea and air.

Where did the largest invasion of World War 2 take place?

The largest invasion of WWII (and in fact the largest invasion in world history) was Operation Barbarossa - the Axis invasion of the Soviet Union. The invasion force consisted of nearly four million troops (approximately three million Germans plus one million from Romania, Hungary, Italy, Finland, Slovakia and Croatia).

What event had the largest invasion force ever seen World War 2?

Operation Overlord which is known as D-Day .

Why was the invasion of the Rhineland important in the beginning of World War 2?

it was important because he wannted moore land lol:)

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Normandy in France was chosen as the invasion point of Europe in World War II for several reasons. One was its proximity to England from which the invasion was launched and the other was the availability of beaches on which to land.

Who and why started World War 2?

The Nazis started the war with the invasion of Poland in September 1939. The Nazis were Fascist's, all they wanted was land.

What greman invasion started world war 2?

The German invasion of Poland started World War Two.

World War 2 began with what invasion?

Germany's invasion of Poland.

What war started World War 2?

invasion of poland

How big was the largest army of World War 2?

The largest "Army" of World War 2 was the Allied Force sent on D-Day (Invasion of Normandy) and the other largest army was the Russian forces that went against the Nazis. Japan had a huge force too but a large majority of them were killed on the islands and in sunken ships.

What started Germany's Invasion on Poland?

Germany wanted to claim as much land as they could so they could win World War 2.

What invasion was called a prelude for World War 2?

invasion of rhineland by Hitler