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There was one more Southern-held river-garrison, Port Hudson, which fell soon afterwards, but it could not really be described as a stronghold.

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Q: What was the last Confederate stronghold on the Mississippi River during the US Civil War?
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Vicksburg was a Confederate stronghold on the Mississippi River

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During the American Civil War, Union forces sought in 1862 and 1863 to capture the Confederate stronghold of Vicksburg, Mississippi. Located on high bluffs astride the Mississippi River, Vicksburg was a highly defensible fortress, and its capture proved difficult for the Union troops. Finally in 1863, Vicksburg surrendered after a siege starved them out.

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Mississippi was a Confederate State.

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Jefferson Davis of Mississippi

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Mississippi was a southern state that joined the Confederate States of America.

What siege cut the south in two during the civil war?

Vicksburg; the last bastion of Confederate defense on the Mississippi.

What city became the south's last stronghold in the western theater in the civil war?

Vicksburg, Mississippi

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CSS Virginia was a Confederate ironclad warship. Horatio Van Cleve was a Union General during the war. Earl Van Dorn was a Confederate General during the Civil War. The siege of Vicksburg, Mississippi was a battle during the war.

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Albert Sidney Johnston was important because he raised the Army of Mississippi to defend Confederate lines from the Mississippi River to Kentucky.

During the civil war where was the capital of the confederate states?

Richmond was the capital of the Confederate States of America during the Civil War.

Where the civil war battle in the west took place?

Mainly Tennessee and Mississippi. Also some actions in Kentucky and Arkansas, and of course Louisiana, with the Grierson Raid and the liberation of New Orleans. Grant's capture of Vicksburg (July 1863), the last Confederate stronghold on the Mississippi, ended the war in the Western theatre.

Is the town of Vicksburg part of the south during the US Civil War?

Yes, it was in the Confederate state of Mississippi, and it was an important river-port on the Mississippi. Its occupation by Ulysses Grant was one of the key events of the war.