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Q: What was the last piece of writing that made you feel like you understood someone with a differebt background of from a different culture?
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Why is it necessary to respect other cultures?

because all different culture have different background and values that we need to respect

Why does holland Santa ride a horse?

The legend of "Santa " can be understood in many different ways because of the many culture. Each culture has a different understanding.

What is sociocultural background?

A socio-cultural background refers to being aware of who you are in regards to your culture and your part of society. It refers to determining if the society that you are a part of is different or the same as the culture you were raised in.

Why is it important to support and respect the diversity of different cultures and values?

because all different culture have different background and values that we need to respect

What is the different between social background and ethnicity?

Social background is about influence our attitudes, behavior, life chances. Where Ethnicity is about history, language, religion, and culture.

What is a cultural background?

A cultural background is the culture of something.

What is the background culture of the international space station?

Background of culture means ceremonial parties in a space shuttle. They have a party with their kind of culture.

What is a distinct culture?

A distinct culture is a culture with unique characteristics and a rich, distinguishable historical background.

How does culture affect worldviews?

Culture affects world views in various ways. Most people will view the world in the eyes of their cultural background which results into different view which may contradict each other.

What type of language is He'd worn the shirt to death?

To say about someone "He'd worn the shirt to death" is a "Figure of Speech". which is a literary device in any language. Understood at the time by that culture, but not understood by another culture.

Is she just Samoan or is there a background culture?

Just Samoan

What is different about calendars from culture to culture?

The reason why calenders are different from culture to culture is because each culture has different ways in thinking