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ex-ese the Chinese

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Q: What was the law called where Chinese people couldn't come to America?
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Related questions

What are people who life in China called?

Chinese. If you were born in China, you are Chinese

What are Chinese people called in french language?

Chinese people are called "Chinois" in the French language.

Where do most Chinese people live?

in china and in America

How big is Chinese?

Really big -People of America

How did America affect the Chinese people?

America was an Occidental (Western) society; the Chinese came from an Oriental (Eastern) society...the Chinese had to work & live within their new surroundings.

How do Americans call the Chinese people?

They are called the Chinese if they are from China.

What percent of Chinese watch TV?

98% -People of America

How big is Chinese economy?

Really big -People of America

Are hawaiians Chinese?

No, Hawaiians are not Chinese. People from the Hawaiian Islands are called Hawaiians while people from China are Chinese. There might be people who live in Hawaii who are Chinese though.

What Chinese called Chinese?

Chinese people refer to themselves as "中国人" (Zhōngguó rén), which translates to "people of China" or "Chinese people" in English.

Why do people say that Bruce Lee is Chinese first instead of American?

He was born in America. But his nationality was a chinese.

Why do Chinese people admire Confucius?

Chinese people admire Confucius for his teachings on morality, ethics, and social behavior, which have had a profound influence on Chinese culture and society. Confucius' emphasis on respect for authority, filial piety, and the importance of education resonates deeply with many Chinese people, who see his teachings as a foundation for harmonious relationships and social order. Additionally, Confucius is revered as a symbol of wisdom and traditional values in Chinese society.