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Satan, in the form of a serpent, assured Eve that "Ye shall not surely die". He also told her they would be 'as gods'.

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Q: What was the lie that Satan promised?
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that God does not lie.

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satan, he's the father of the lie and manslayer from the beginning.

What was eve promised by the serpent?

The serpent Satan, told Eve that if she ate the fruit she would be wise as god.

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I had heard that there are NINE promised that Satan makes (& that all of them are lies.)

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Carter promised to never lie to Americans.

Who is recorded in the bible as speaking the lie?

John 8:44 mentions that would be 'Satan'.

What was the first lie that was mentioned in the Bible?

Satan saying "you shall surely not die."

What new testament man did Satan provoke to lie to the holy spirit?

Ananias and later his wife, Sapphira.

Is it okay to lie to kids at Christmas?

I believe that it's not okay to EVER lie to a kid... or anyone else. Satan the Devil was the father of the lie, and anyone who lies is following his example. Plus, it can effect the kid later on in life.

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Bad leaders are chosen because they lie to the public to get their vote then do not do anything that they promised to do

Where in the Bible says you can lie for peace sack?

Not anywhere. Satan is the father of lies from the beginning. God is truth, always.

Do you believe in hell and devil?

Answer: Of course it depends - it depends on if you want to believe a lie or the truth. Hell and Satan ARE real. Answer: It depends