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About 35 years of age.

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about 30 years old

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45 years

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Q: What was the life expectancy in 1800 in England?
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What was the life expectancy in 15Th century England?

The average life expectancy in England in the 17th century was 39.7 years, from birth to death.

What was the life expectancy of an American born in the 1800's?

the life expectancy was about 40 to 45 ish for women and it was actually higher for males in that time about mid to late 50s

What is the average life expectancy of a human in the United States in 1880?

The average life expectancy of a human in the United States in 1880 was around 39.4 years. This was due to factors like high infant mortality rates and limited medical advancements at the time.

What scientists work contributed directly to increased life expectancy in the late 1800's?

Louis Pasteur

What is the life expectancy for males and females during the 1800 for Kenya?

i dont know im not 212 jeares old

How was the life expectancy in the new England and chesapeake colonies?

chesapeake:40-45 new england: 60-65

Which colonial area had the longest life expectancy out of the Southern Colonies Middle colonies or New England colonies?

New England.

What was the life expectancy in England 1830?

Average person lived to about 40 years old.

What did agricultural production in England in the late 1700s directly contribute to?

An increase in life expectancy

What was the life expectancy in the 1800's?

The average life expectancy in the United States in 1812 was about 40 years old. It was not unusual for people to die before the age of 30.

Increased agricultural production in England in the late 1700s contributed directly to?

an increase in life expectancy