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For most men it was a hard grind in eking out a living as a farmer, herder, fisherman, tradesman, merchant or slave. In spare time, there were the theatre, the gymnasium, the market, the perfume shops.

For most women, it was also a hard grind working in the home and vegetable garden, bearing and raising children, and for slaves working in the house and garden and being at the disposal of the master. In spare time they were confined to the home engaged in spinning and weaving, getting out only for occasional women's religious festivals.

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Q: What was the life in Athens?
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Which way was life different in Athens than Sparta?

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Is interest in the arts a characteristic of life in Athens or Sparta or both?


What was the basic difference between life in Athens and life in Sparta?

Athens valued democracy, culture, and education, while Sparta focused on military strength, discipline, and obedience. Athenian society prioritized individual freedoms, intellectual pursuits, and artistic expression, whereas Spartan society emphasized militarism, physical fitness, and strict social hierarchy.

What did Plato achieve in life?

Plato became a teacher and a philosipher of Athens, he was a founder of the academy in Athens.

Which way was life in Athens different from life in Sparta?

people was ltty

In which way was life in Athens different from life in Sparta?

Life in Athens focused more on culture, trade, democracy, and philosophy, while Sparta emphasized military training, discipline, and warfare. Athenians valued education, the arts, and individuality, while Spartans emphasized obedience, physical fitness, and collective well-being. Athens was a bustling urban center with a strong navy, while Sparta was a militaristic society with a powerful army.

What did life in Athens center around?


Which statements best describes public life in Athens?

Public life in Athens was centered around the democratic process, where male citizens participated in decision-making through voting and serving on juries. The city-state also fostered a vibrant cultural scene with theater performances, philosophical debates, and athletic competitions being an integral part of public life. Additionally, public spaces like the Agora served as gathering places for discussions, commerce, and social interactions among the citizens.