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Rene Descartes lived during the 17th century, a time of great societal change and upheaval. He was a philosopher, mathematician, and scientist, and he lived in various locations across Europe, including France, the Netherlands, and Sweden. While he experienced some comforts and privileges due to his intellectual pursuits, he also faced challenges such as political unrest and the risk of persecution for his unorthodox ideas.

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Q: What was the living conditions like for Rene Descartes?
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How did Rene descartes view the universe and how it functioned?

Rene Descartes viewed the universe as a mechanical system governed by natural laws. He believed that everything could be explained through mathematics and that the physical world operated like a giant machine. Descartes' view was heavily influenced by his mechanistic philosophy and his belief in the power of reason and understanding.

Who was René Descartes influence by?

René Descartes was influenced by a variety of thinkers, including ancient philosophers like Plato and Aristotle, as well as more contemporary figures like Galileo and Johannes Kepler. His education in mathematics and science also played a significant role in shaping his philosophical ideas. Additionally, Descartes was influenced by his own religious beliefs and the cultural context of his time.

Descartes and the evil genius?

René Descartes introduced the concept of the evil genius in his philosophical work to highlight radical skepticism. The evil genius is a hypothetical being that deceives our senses and understanding of reality, leading Descartes to doubt all knowledge acquired through the senses. This doubt serves as the foundation for Descartes' "Cogito, ergo sum" ("I think, therefore I am") argument as a starting point for building his system of knowledge.

Who influenced René Descartes?

Descartes was influenced by various philosophers and mathematicians, including ancient Greek thinkers like Plato and Aristotle, as well as more contemporary figures like Galileo and Pierre Gassendi. His own work in philosophy and mathematics also fueled his ideas and reasoning process.

What did thinkers of the modern era such as Descartes Bacon and Hobbes try to do?

Thinkers of the modern era like Descartes, Bacon, and Hobbes sought to promote rationalism, empiricism, and skepticism in their works. Descartes emphasized the importance of reason and doubt in the pursuit of knowledge, Bacon advocated for the importance of empirical observation and experimentation in the scientific method, and Hobbes focused on the social contract and the role of reason in governance and society.

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What were Rene Descartes' occupations?

It sounds like that Rene Descartes wanted to be a teacher and teach different types of subjects.

Why did Rene descartes dissaper in a restaurant?

Rene Descartes sits down for lunch at a Parisian restaurant. The waitress asks for his order. He orders a hamburger.The waitress inquires, "Would you like fries with that? " Descartes says, "I think not," ...and instantly disappears.

What is the last word of Rene descartes said?

I would like some cheese on toast

Why did Rene descartes like mathes?

Most people who use their brains and are open to thought will appreciate the beauty of mathematics. Some are able mathematicians, other less so. Descartes was one of the more able people.

What mathamatic symbol did Rene Descartes invent?

The one known by most the the self-named Descartes' Theorem, in where it explains the relationship of Four mutually tangent circles. Descartes' first addressed this theorem in a letter to Princess Elizabeth of Bohemia.

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What were the living conditions like during 1700s?

The living conditions were horrible. They were sorta like the middle passage. Look it up on wikipedia

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No I can not answer this question

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