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Q: What was the main advantage of nuclear missiles?
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How many nuclear missile are there in china and India?

India is estimated to have about 80-100 nuclear missiles. And China has an estimated of 300+ nuclear missiles.

Did Cuba ever have nuclear missiles?

No. Cuba itself never had nuclear missiles although the USSR set up nuclear missile launch sites in Cuba.

What type of nuclear missiles did the Cuban and Soviet Government place during the Cuban Missile Crisis?

ss4 and ss5 nuclear missiles

What event illustrated a key decline in the US strategic advantage over the Soviet Union in nuclear delivery systems?

the shooting down of our cruise missiles by Russia

What is an advantage to having nuclear submarines?

The main advantage to having nuclear powered submarines is that a nuclear powered submarine can, if designed wisely, stay submerged for months on end. The only limitation really is food and the crew's psychological state. This is extremely useful in nuclear deterrance considering that a nation can send out nuclear powered, nuclear weapon equipped submarines on patrol for use in case of a nuclear exchange. If an attacking nation destroys the missiles silos of it's target and it's nuclear armed bomber wings, the defending nation would still have the use of it's nuclear weapons onboard it's ballistic missile submarines.

Why can't nukes fit on missiles?

Some nuclear weapons can be fitted to missiles. In the case of an ICBM (Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles) a nuclear weapon can be outfitted so that it can reach distant points on the globe.

How can you develop Pakistan?

With the aid of nuclear missiles.

What soviet premier installed and removed nuclear missiles in Cuba?

The General Secretary/Premier Nikita Khrushchev removed nuclear missiles from Cuba after a very tense nuclear drawdown in the U.S.

How many nuclear missiles did the Soviets set up in Cuba during the Cuban Missile Crisis?

i know 6 SS-4 Nuclear missiles

How high do nuclear missiles go?

Nuclear missiles leave the earth's atmosphere for some time. Intercontinental missiles, for example require the missile to ascend to 1,000 feet to assure that it will reach it's intended target.

How were fidel Castro and nikita khrushchev connected?

During the cold war Castro allowed Kruschev to build nuclear missiles in Cuba to gain strategic advantage over the US

What is the effect of nuclear missiles?

Same as nuclear gravity bombs dropped by bomber aircraft.