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Q: What was the main cause for the babylonian captivity?
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What captivity brought the southern kingdom to an end?

yeah, Babylonian is the answer

Who or what is nebuchadnezear?

Nebuchadnezzar is a Babylonian king who destroyed the temple of Solomon and started the Babylonian captivity of the Jews.

When did Babylonian captivity take place?

597 BC.

How long did the Babylonian captivity last?

70 years.

The Babylonian captivity was the Spanish name for the period when Moors occupied Spain?

It was not. The "Babylonian Captivity" refers to the conquest of Israel , and the removal of the Israelites to captivity in Babylon, where they were held until permitted to return to Israel roughly 70 years later.

What happened during the Babylonian captivity?

The Persians conquered the Chaldeans during the Babylonian Captivity.Thousands of Jews marched to work as slaves

Nebuchadnezzar's sack of this city initiated the Babylonian Captivity of the Jews?


The Babylonian Captivity of the Jews lasted for how many years?

70 years.

Who were the popes under the influence of during Babylonian Captivity?

The Babylonian Captivity which began in 626 BC and ended in 539 BC, was long before the first pope, Peter, took office in about 33 AD.

Which event took place before the Babylonian captivity?

The major event preceding the Babylonian captivity was the fall of Jerusalem and the destruction of the Jewish holy temple in the city.

Captivity in which the Jewish people were enslaved by the babylonian enpire?

That was the Babylonian exile, which followed the destruction of the First Temple in Jerusalem in 586 BCE.

What servant of God delivered the Jewish people from Babylonian captivity?

Cyrus the Great