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Reasons for the conflicts between the English and the French were many in the 18th century. England and France were traditional enemies from medieval age, so there was not many trust between two countries. Beside that there was power competition in the Europe and the world between the two. In the North America French colonies bordered with the English like a chain on the west, making so the English unable to conquer new territories and caused many disputes over fur and fish trade. In the Caribbean French islands started to produce more sugar than others so they kept sugar prices lower and that had effect on the English customs revenues and monopoly ( Navigation Act of 1660. and Staple Act of 1663. during the reign of Charles II Stuart ) in Europe. Same happened in India where French gained more and more territories and trade treaties with locals over spice, tea and calico ( cotton textiles ) trade.

Besides that, in the England, since the reign of William III Orange, there was a political theory that every state which could grow to powerful should be kept down ( Balance of Powers ) and France, since the aggressive policy during the reign of Louis XIV was seen as danger to the peace in the Europe and the strongest enemy to the England.

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12y ago
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15y ago

In 1754 France controlled a large area of middle western land in what is now The USA. At the same time, Britan's colonies were stationed along the eastern seaboard of North America. Between the two claims was an area of land in the Ohio River valley that both countries claimed as their own. Their competing claims escalated into the French and Indian War.

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14y ago

Well, for one thing, France's Napoleonic era consisted of french efforts to push Britain out of European trade with acts like the Continental Blockade. Essentially Napoleon made it so that no countries in his realm of control could trade with Britain. France and Britain have an ancient rivalry though, spanning almost 1000 years. This is just the tip of the iceberg.

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13y ago

they were fighting to be the top country and England and the Americas made it worse because the British and the French both wanted to settle in certain areas of the Americas, like the Ohio River Valley

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15y ago

Many times over the centuries, and almost continuous during the 'Hundred Years War'. And then there was Napoleon.....

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8y ago

Both Franch and England wanted control over the Ohio River Valley. That's one of the reasons why England wanted a buffer zone France....not so sure.

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12y ago

The French was kicked out and wanted back in but they also fought for land in America.

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11y ago

French wouldnt let them settle ohio river valley

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12y ago

Pretty much all of European history up until about a hundred years ago or so.

In other words, you'll need to be more specific.

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Q: What was the main conflict between France and England in 1754?
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What was the name of the war where England and France fought over land in North America?

In the North American Continent, the French and Indian War saw the French Empire pit itself against the British Empire for control of land. The war was from 1754 to 1763 and was part of a world wide conflict between these two great powers.

Englands indian allies were the algonquians?

that is false

Is The Seven Years War also known as the French Revolution?

No. The Seven Years was occurred between 1754-1763 in Europe and 1754 and 1763 in North America. The part of the conflict that occurred in North America is known in the United States as the French and Indian War. It was a complex war involving a alliance of Britain, Hanover, Prussia, and other allies against an alliance of France, The Habsburg empire, Sweden, Russia, and other allies. The French Revolution began in 1789 and was a popular uprising of the French people to overthrow the monarchy.

What war was the seven year war?

The Seven Years' War (1756-1763) was a European conflict that continued the wars between England and France. Because England had the stronger navy, the French could not maintain their forces in North America during the French and Indian war (1754-1763), and were forced to cede Canada (mostly Quebec) to England.The Seven Years' War (1756-1763) involved all of the major European powers of the period, causing 900,000 to 1,400,000 deaths. The British entered two years after the start of the war, later calling it the "Seven Year's War", although it was really nine years.

What are facts about the French and Indian War?

Although it was a war between colonial powers, it affected settlers the most. APEX

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England had been involved in three wars with the French during between 1682 and 1754.

By the 1700s france and england were primarily in conflict with each other over?

In the 1700s France and England were in conflict over which of them would control North America. There were multiple battles over the years that lead to an all-out war in 1754.

What years did the French and Indian War take place?

The French and Indian War was a conflict that occurred in the North American Theater of the greater Seven Years War between France and Great Brittan. The conflict took place between 1754 and 1763.

What nations controlled the Mississippi river in 1754?

France controlled the Mississippi river in 1754.

Which country gained between 1754 and 1763?

New Spain, Louisiana, and New France.

What war between France and Britain from 1754 to 1763 fought in north America?


What date did the french and Indian war between the France and great Britain start?


Which countries gained land between 1754 1763?

New Spain, Louisiana, and New France.

Which country gained land between 1754 and 1763?

New Spain, Louisiana, and New France.

How were France and England affected by the French and Indian War?

There was, is, nor will be a war between India and France. Who ever made this question, it's just propaganda. There actually WAS a war, that was called the French and Indian War, in 1754-1763. It was against the British and the French, NOT India.

What was the name of the war where England and France fought over land in North America?

In the North American Continent, the French and Indian War saw the French Empire pit itself against the British Empire for control of land. The war was from 1754 to 1763 and was part of a world wide conflict between these two great powers.

Which country claimed Louisiana in 1754?
