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Greed..... but really there is no single reason. religion was a large factor, as was gold, influence and the drive for each country to further their goals; Britain did well at this, until the American revolution that is.

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Q: What was the main motivation for colonization?
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Your question is too vague. What people are you inquiring about? What colonies? If you are referring to the ancient Romans, religion was at the bottom of the list as far as colonization was concerned, although a very few religious minded people may have wanted to be living near a shrine or some other sacred place. The Romans' main motives for colonization were for land for their veterans and for the expansion of security and trade.

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Economic gain was the colonists' main motivation among other things. The would settle in places where there were resources which could bring economic gains to them.

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The Pilgrims in 1620. They had tried to find a home in the Netherlands after leaving England and then they took the Mayflower to Mass to start a colony.

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