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to pay off the French and Indian war debts?

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Q: What was the main purpose of the taxes Britain put on the colonies?
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What were the main problem or troubles between Britain and the colonies?

Taxes, which is what lead to the original tea party.

The primary purpose of the Stamp Act was to?

The Stamp Act was one of a number of taxes levied in an attempt to get the colonies to pay for part of the cost of the French and Indian Wars and to show the colonies that the Crown had the authority to levy taxes.

The main reason why Britain's American colonies were most angered by the taxes imposed on them by Britain was because?

The reason why Britain's American colonies were most angered by the taxes imposed on them by Britain was because e the colonist felt like they had no say in the taxation.

What is the main purposes of taxes?

The main purpose of taxes are to get u to help pay the government.

What was one main cause of the American revolution?

Britain's decision to tighten its control over the Thirteen Colonies. ^wrong

What reason does declaration give for independence?

The main reason given in the Declaration of Independence was a lack of representation in what happens to the people of the colonies (United States) when it comes to trade, taxes, and laws.Hope this helps!Taxes, taxes, taxes, and basically taxes

Why did the colonies and Great Britain begin to grow apart?

The main reason for the separation of the colonies from Great Britain was taxes and tariffs. Taxes on sugar, tea and other goods were placed upsetting the colonists. The royal proclamation of 1763 limited the colonist's western expansion past the Appalachian mountains, intensifying the outrage of the American colonists.

Why were the colonist angry at Britain?

There is no main reason, they can be the acts, the massacre, or taxes.

What was the purpose of founding all the colonies?

The main purpose of founding the American Colonies was for the economic benefit and prestige of the mother country, through a system of mercantilism.

What was the main cause of new taxes on the American colonies?

The main cause of new taxes is because Britain stayed in so many wars in Europe that they needed more money to support the fight. But there was also other smaller reasons such as the Boston Tea Party which angered Britain resulting in the tea tax. There was also a bunch of other things like that such as the Stamp Act which raised the prices of all paper items.

What are the main events that happened in England 1960's?

In 1965 Britain taxed the colonies. In 1965 Britain taxed the colonies.

what was the main purpose of the declarations of independence?

To remove the American colonies from British rule .