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Q: What was the main reason for European exploration of the world?
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What was the main of the European exploration?

to find a trade route to Asia

What are the five main European countries active in exploration?

England, Spain, France, the Netherlands, Italy, Denmark, and Portugal where the major European exploration countries.

What were the main goals of European countries during the age of exploration?

Finding riches.

What were two main reasons for European exploration?

to gain wealth and spread christianity

What was a main goal of European exploration?

If you are from Connexus...A: To find a trade route to Asia

What a main goal of European exploration?

If you are from Connexus...A: To find a trade route to Asia

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What were three reasons for the European?

If you look at the worlds smartest most of them are european.Therfore the main reason european conlonzation was to civilize the rest of the world. The other reason was to gather natural resouces from the other parts of the world, andto controll slavetrade. based on wiki

What 3 European countries that were involved in the age of exploration?

There were much more than just three European countries involved in the Age of Exploration. However, there were three main countries: Spain, United Kingdom, and France.

What were some reason for European Exploration that led them to the North American continent?

The main reason Europeans were exploring was that they were looking for a new trade route to the far east. They began exploring the North American continent in the hopes of finding things to take back and trade.