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Q: What was the main recommendation of the kerner commission?
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What was the main cause of urban violence in the kerner commission?


According to the Kerner Commission what was the MAIN cause of urban violence?

white racism

What Commission studied urban violence?

It's the Kerner Commission.

Commission that studied urban violence?


What was the main cause of the of urbanization?

According to the Kerner Commission, the number one cause of urban violence was white racism lead be defacto segregation.

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Who tried to determine the reasons for the 1967 riots?

Kerner Commission

What was the main cause of urban violence?

According to the Kerner Commission, the number one cause of urban violence was white racism lead be defacto segregation.

Who said i led a commission investagating civil disorder?

Otto Kerner

What did the Kerner Commission do?

Created 2 million new jobs in the inner cities.

What was the main cause of urban violence according to Kerner?

According to the Kerner Commission, the main cause of urban violence was racial discrimination and economic inequality. The commission concluded that the riots and unrest in America's cities were a result of longstanding racial grievances and frustrations that were exacerbated by social and economic disparities. It emphasized the need for equal access to education, housing, and job opportunities to address these underlying causes of urban violence.

What changes did the Kerner Commission want?

Big black cocks to gargle and put in their buttholes.