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Q: What was the major impact of the launch of Sputnik I on the US?
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Why was America worried about Sputnik?

In addition , the public feared that the Soviets' ability to launch satellites also translated into the capability to launch ballistic missiles that could carry nuclear weapons from Europe to the US.

What launch started the space race?

Basically the Successful Launch of Sputnik I by then USSR started the Space race as US Space programme till then was not integrated and successful launch of SputnikI triggred 1)formation of NASA 2)passing of Space act by US congress 3)allocation of funds for the space projects.

What was Sputnik 1 and what did it cause the US to do?

The first successful orbital satellite, Sputnik I was launched by the USSR (Soviet Union) on October 4, 1957. The US had been trying to launch their own satellites, but most failed due to malfunctions or miscalculations. After Sputnik, the US increased its budget for space efforts and worked to modify existing missiles as booster rockets. The US launched its first satellite, Explorer I, on January 31, 1958.

What impact did Sputnik and the space race have on American life?

it made the US citizens cry! it was the begging of the NBA and birth of lebron james

What was sputnik and how did the US react to the launch of it?

Sputnik was the first man made satellite that made it into orbit. It proved that Soviet/Russian technology wasn't as crude as the US thought. It was also a bit scary, because a nation that can get something into orbit will also be able to drop anything from orbit onto any other country in the world.

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Why did sputnik create such a panic in America?

If they can put a satellite in orbit they can launch a H-bomb at us too. It wasn't quite true with Sputnik 1, but it was with Sputnik 2.

What event caused an increase of spending on education and technology by the US?

The soviets launch of the sputnik

Was the launch of the Sputnik a surprise to Americans?

Yes. The US didn't think the USSr har the technology to do that.

Was the US the first to launch into space?

No. The USSR was the first to launch any kind of space craft with the launch of "Sputnik 1" in 1957. The US was the first to send a man to the moon in 1969 with the Apollo 11 mission

What event caused the US to spend more education during the late 1950's?

The launch of Sputnik.

What event increased us spending on education and technology in cold war?

The Soviet launch of the Sputnik satellite.

What did the us do after the 1957 launch of sputnik?

Observed it and found out that the amplitude of beeps from it changes because of the Doppler effect.