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Q: What was the major manufacturing enterprise in Colonial America in the 18th century?
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The major manufacturing enterprise in colonial America in the eighteenth century was?


What years were colonial America?

Colonial America took place from the 18th century to the 19th century.

What years were colonial years?

Colonial America took place from the 18th century to the 19th century.

What significant social impact did the Great Awakening have in eighteenth-century Colonial America?

The social impact that the Great awakening had in 18th century colonial America was that it opened the doors of some white churches. The churches were now opened to African Americas and Indians.

When did scherenschnitte orignate?

The art tradition was founded in Switzerland and Germany in the 16th century, and was brought to Colonial America in the 18th century by immigrants who settled primarily in Pennsylvania.

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The attack on Jarl Ulfric Stormcloak by the Empire.

What factors gave rise to colonial commercial enterprises what obstacles did these enterprises have to overcome and what effected did their success have on the colonial economy?

Practical considerations, such as commercial enterprise, overpopulation and the desire for freedom of religion, played their parts. The main waves of settlement came in the 17th century.

America in the Colonial Era?

A colonial period is a period of time in a nation's history when it was under the control of a colonial power. One example is when the U.S. Colonies were under control of the British government before the Revolutionary War.

Did slave importation in colonial America decline in the 18th century?

yes! slave importation declined during the 18th century due to the Royal Africa Company losing its monopoly.

How did the ideas of the Enlightenment influence Latin America in the nineteenth century?

by encouraging Latin Americans to overthrough colonial governments. for Nova Net

All of these people are MOST associated with what aspect of 18th century colonial life in British North America?

Unfortunately, without any information about the people in question, it is not possible to determine their association with any specific aspect of 18th-century colonial life in British North America. Could you please provide more details or specify the individuals you are referring to?

When did manufacturing develop in the Midwest?

20th century