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The main issues between the US and the British were focused on expansion, land acquisition and borders

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Q: What was the major source of tension between Britain and the US in the 1840's?
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A major source of tension between England and the colonies was?

control of the Mississippi and Ohio Valleys.

What was the major sources of the tension between Britain and the US in the 1840s?

American involvement in Canadian rebellions and border disputes :P

Is it true that An agreement between the US and Britain over the boundary of Oregon was peacefully settled in the late 1840s?

Yes, it is true.

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Great Britain heavily taxed the fur trade in Oregon in the 1840s

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there was no King - the monarch was Queen Victoria, and her husband was Prince Albert

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Between 1840 and 1849 the established a Naval Station there which they used for the suppresion of the slave trade. They landed over 15,000 Liberated Africans there that they had recovered from slave traders in those waters.

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Immigration was relatively small until the 1840s when it rose substantially. The volume passed 200,000 for the first time in 1847 and the period between 1847 and 1854 saw the highest rate of immigration in U.S. history.

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