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Q: What was the mass slaughter of Jews by the nazi party during world war 2?
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What term refers to deliberate and systematic mass slaughter of Europe's Jews and others by the Nazis during World War 2?


Why was schooling forbidden for the Jews during World War Two?

It was because the Germans hated Jewish people and were planning to slaughter the entire race at that point.

The mass slaughter of Jews and other civilians carried out by the Nazi government during World War 2?

The term most widely used now is the Holocaust.

Who was the worst party to the Jews during the holocaust?

Nazi party

Is the systematic mass slaughter of European Jews and others in Nazi concentration camps during World War 2 called the Holocaust?

Yes. Please see the related question.

Why is the holocaust important for jews?

Close to half the world's Jews were killed during World War II, and mot of the deaths were the result of the German plan to exterminate the Jews, known in English as the Holocaust. Jewish history is littered with waves of persecution, but the Holocaust eclipses the others, not merely because it was the most recent, but because of the industrial scale of the slaughter.

Was it wrong during th crusades for Christians to kill Christians?

Christians mostly killed Muslims and Jews during the Crusades. The whole thing was wrong- it was a slaughter.

The Nazi slaughter of million of civilians during World war 2 is called the Holocaust true of false?

True! No, False, the Nazi slaughtered millions of Jews during the WWI , the Holocaust was officially over at the end of WWII when the German troops surrendered.

Was the Holocaust still going on in World War 2?

The Holocaust took place during World War 2. The large-scale slaughter of Jews started in 1941 and continued almost till the very end of the war in Europe (May 1945).

What word refers to the nazi slaughter of Jews?


What party do the Jews vote for?

Jews can vote for any political party they choose. The Jews of the world represent countless different ideas and political parties. As of 2010, the majority of Jews in the United States are registered as Democrats.

Why did the International Community prosecute World War 2 crimes?

Because when you slaughter millions of Jews and cost the world billions of dollars people are going to be pissed.