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Q: What was the military significance of d day?
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What was the significance of D Day during World War 2?

The significance of D Day was that it marked the first Allied Troops on the ground in Europe. This was the beginning of the end for the Germans.

Why is d-day called d day?

D-day means day of days, it mostly marks the start of a military operation.

What was the significantion d-day?

The significance of D-Day was that it was the first time Allied armies were in France to fight the German occupiers.

Is wedding day a d day?

A wedding day can feel like a military D-Day to most parents of the Bride and Groom. It really is not a D-Day.

What is the significance of D-Day to World War 2?

it sucks! it sucks!

What was the significance of the Battle of d-day in terms of the outcomes of World War 2?

D-Day has major significance as this was the re-entry of Allied troops in force to challenge the German occupation forces in Europe..

What is the significance of D Day in regards to World War 2?

There was only 1 key significance to D-Day. That was that it was the beginning of the Allied campaign on the Western Front to regain control of western Europe and to push for Germany.

Who was responsible for D-Day?

the allied military staff......................

Why do people call it D-DAY?

In other words, the D in D-Day merely stands for Day. This coded designation was used for the day of any important invasion or military operation. For military planners, the days before and after a D-Day were indicated using plus and minus signs: D-4 meant four days before a D-Day, while D+7 meant seven days after a D-Day.

What were the details of d-day?

D-day is any day on which a military attack starts. D-day is usually referenced to the day that the allies invaded Normandy during World War II.

What was the significance of D-Day during World War 2?

the beginning day of the destruction of German oppression in Europe

What was the significance of the Saturday half day on sport?

cause then you get the other half day you di ck hea d!